MAP Insights – Homeopathic Medicine or Phyto Medicine?

Herbal and homeopathic medicine are both natural types of medicine, and both use herbs in some way, but there are significant differences when it comes to the way the herbs are prepared, their safety profile, and the indications for which they’re prescribed. Homeopathy also uses other ingredients, such as animal or mineral products, while herbal medicine only uses herbs.

Perhaps the most important difference between the two is that homeopathic remedies are prescribed according to the principle of curing disease with natural products that spike the same reaction.

This is the belief that the substance known to cause the symptoms of the illness or disease will also create the cure if given to the patient in small enough doses. Herbal medicine does not subscribe to this principle.

Homeopathy is the practice is the processing of herbs and other natural substances using dilution and shaking to eliminate any toxicity, and increase the therapeutic benefits. Homeopathic remedies are available as either combinations (common for cold and flu treatments) or singles, which contain only one ingredient. They are most commonly available as essential oils, extracts, lotions, infusions, syrups, powders, ointments, teas and tinctures.

Unlike herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies are very sensitive and should not be taken at the same time as anything else, as the energy can easily become overwhelmed and lose its efficacy.
