MAP-Expo news May 2018

Seminar NVF

The Dutch society for Fytotherapy as a scientific association , is committed to the quality and reliability of plant-based medicines. The NVF publishes the Dutch paper for Fytotherapy four times a year. In addition, the NVF publishes an educational guide with training opportunities in the field of Fytotherapy. After the successful edition in 2017 where the NVF organized the Holland Fyto house, the 2018 expo looks promising. Continue reading “MAP-Expo news May 2018”

Cooperation between MAP-Expo and HAO-Demeter of Greece

During MAP-EXPO,  taking place in Eindhoven next October, HAO – Demeter, GREECE ( Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources) presents the workshop titled “Conservation, evaluation and dissemination  of Greek and Mediterranean medicinal/aromatic plants”-

In this workshop that is organized by the Greek Research Institute, three top scientists in the field of MAP will address the issues of Conservation and sustainable use of Mediterranean medicinal/aromatic crops, Design of new MAPs’ products and Nutritional value of Mediterranean MAPs.

Dr Eleni Maloupa, Director of Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Recourses, Plant Biology and Physiology, Dr Katerina Grigoriadou, Researcher at the same Institute, and Professor Diamanto Lazari, Department of Pharmacognosy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will be there to present the above topics and answer to the audience’s questions

The use of mixed herbal teas from Greek herbs and their properties and Native medicinal aromatic plants: using our senses are also topics covered by the presentations.  A sensory analysis on health claim olive oil aromatized with essential oils will follow as well as discussions on cultivation, properties and nutritional values of MAP. Essential oils, olive oil, sea salt and mixed herbal teas will be provided by the team of HAO-Demeter.



Announcing CBD-Seminar at MAP-Expo 2018

Announcing CBD-Seminar at MAP-Expo 2018


Following up last year’s success, we welcome the network of the Nova-Institut and there will be a high-quality seminar hosted by the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association).

The program is as follows:




Boris Baňas,
A Brief update on CBD-related activities of European Industrial Hemp Associaiton


Tomáš Sadílek,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CBD and its regulation at national and international level – current state and its future


Hana Gabrielová,
Global Standards for hemp / cannabis industry


Joscha Krauss,
“CBD – From farm to endproduct“ 


Sara Gobbi,
ASTM D37: cannabis products and relevant standardization needs


Boris Baňas,
Cannabis extracts and pharma-grade cannabinoids: several legal perspectives


The previous edition of MAP-Expo showed the potential of the Hemp industry. The seminar “Cannabidiol – from farm to end product” and the exhibitors attracted large numbers of high-quality visitors. These visitors were all interested in doing business with our exhibiting companies or were trying to establish themselves in the industry.  Building on this success, this edition will put even more focus on the hemp-industry.


We welcome you to visit MAP-Expo and visit our seminar hosted by EIHA. Further information about the program will follow.


Highlight on North African plants



MAP – Expo 2018 will offer you and your company the opportunity to explore herbal markets in different African countries and find out what is the most suitable target market for your business.




North African plants


is the trade mark for short pieces of the rhizome of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a plant that originates in Eurasia, North Africa and West Asia. Meanwhile, the non-threatened plant can be found worldwide. The plant contains a sweetener that is about 30 to 50 times as strong as sugar, but is not harmful to the teeth. There must be a lot of chewing and sucking to taste the sweetener. Nevertheless, licorice – especially by children – was appreciated before the candy industry took over this market with much easier to consume products.


In Japan licorice root is used to treat hepatitis infections. Kaposi’s sarcoma, a human herpes virus disease that many AIDS patients receive, is treated with liquorice. Nowadays mouth and stomach ulcers are treated with liquorice. Licorice gives the stomach a rest. A gastric acidization (dyspepsia) is countered by licorice. Because it relaxes the stomach, licorice is given after a food poisoning. It is also given to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. 



The wonder tree or wonder oil tree (Ricinus communis) is a fast-growing tropical plant that is herbaceous outside the

tropics. In the tropics the plant can reach a height of up to 13 meters after a few years and then has a lignified stem that looks like a trunk. The fruit is called a wonder bean although the plant does not belong to the butterfly family (like the ordinary bean) but to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Miracle oil is pressed from miracle beans
Wonder oil has different properties, these properties can be divided into

Medicinal: The oil of the Ricinus communis has a laxative effect when consumed and is also used as an antibiotic and fungide.

Aromatic: It can also be used as a food additive, skin care and cosmetic products.

Despite the healing effects, the seeds are deadly. The beans are not ready for consumption until they have gone through a special process to get the oil out. Do not worry, because castor oil can be used safely. The toxins are only in the raw beans.


MAP – Expo 2018 will offer you and your company the opportunity to explore herbal markets in different African countries and find out what is the most suitable target market for your business.

Update of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Industry Research



Update of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants industry research


Our team is working continuously to keep up with the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants industry. With the help of research reports, communicating with companies, data from our survey, we are gathering more and more information.

According to data that we have at the moment, when buying raw materials, pharmaceutical companies approach multiple suppliers. This number can vary from 2 to even 20; it shows how extensive a supplier network can be for some businesses. Quality plays the most important role when selecting the supplier. Moreover, the majority of our data shows that pharmaceutical companies are interested in establishing new business relations with suppliers.

Aloe vera, Chamomile, Elderberry, Red clover, Common mullein, Euphorbia are just a few examples of plants that companies are purchasing the most. On the other hand, plants like Hemp agrimony, Verbascum thapsus, Ginkgo biloba, etc. are more difficult for companies to obtain.

Are you a supplier that produces and trades these medicinal plants, or a company that buys these materials? If yes, then join us at MAP-Expo 2018 and do not miss the possibility to meet your future business partners at our match-making program.

If you are a pharmaceutical company and would like to contribute to our research, then please click the link down below:

Image source: Pixabay

Trade of herbs in the Batlic states


MAP – Expo 2018 will offer you and your company the opportunity to explore herbal markets in different European countries and find out what is the most suitable target market for your business. Let’s take a closer look at how this industry is performing in the Baltic states.

According to the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI), the demand for fresh herbs in Europe is experiencing an upward trend. This trend is also visible in the Baltic states (CBI Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2016).

The trade of herbs in Lithuania is mostly influenced by the collection of herbs in the wild and imports. Herbs collected in the wild account for 29 percent of all the ingredients used in pharmaceutical industry, while 65 percent of ingredients are received from imports. Lithuania imports plants and herbs from Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Egypt, to name just a few. On the other hand, exports from Lithuania are targeted mainly to Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus. The export of herbs and plants contribute a little bit to the trade and are mostly focused on the countries located in eastern Europe. As was stated by J. Radusiene, Hawthorn, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Menyanthes trifoliata, Hypericum perforatum, and Breckland thyme are the most popular herbs in Phytomedicine (Radusiene, 2015).

The trade of herbs and plants in Latvia is somewhat similar to Lithuania. As reported by Trade Map, the main importers of herbs, medicinal plants are Germany, Lithuania, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Denmark. The total value that these countries imported from Latvia in 2016 were 86,864,000 US Dollar. On the contrary, the biggest exporters that Latvia imports herbs and medicinal plants are Lithuania, Poland, Kazakhstan, Germany, and Sweden. The total value of the countries exporting to Latvia in 2016 was valued at 46,014,000 US Dollar (International Trade Centre (ITC), n.d.). Herbs that are collected and marketed the most are as follows: Achillea millefolium, Bidens tripartite, Thymus serpyllum, and Hypericum perforatum.

The domestic vegetation in Estonia is made up of around 1500 vascular plants (plants that has conducting tissue) and herbs. The traditions of using medicinal and aromatic plants there have deep roots. Nowadays, everyone can easily find much more herbal drugs and herbal teas in this country compared to the rest of European countries (Baricevic, Bernáth, Maggioni & Lipman, 2002). Estonia imports medicinal plants and herbs largely from Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The significant amount of herbs and medicinal plants are exported to Finland, Latvia, Germany, Lithuania, and to Sweden (International Trade Centre (ITC), n.d.).

To conclude, it can be seen that the main trade partners regarding herbs and medicinal plants of all three Baltic states are the neighbouring countries, Germany, and Sweden. These countries account for the most amount of money in importing and exporting these raw materials.

Baricevic, D., Bernáth, J., Maggioni, L., & Lipman, E. (2002, September 12). Report of a Working Group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Retrieved from

CBI Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2016, July). CBI Product Factsheet: Fresh Herbs in Europe. Retrieved from

Free Image on Pixabay – Herbs, French, Bouquet, Gourmet. (n.d.). Retrieved from

International Trade Centre (ITC). (n.d.). Trade Map – Trade statistics for international business development. Retrieved from

Radusiene, J. (2015, January 13). Trade, Use and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Lithuania.

Everything you need to know about CBD oil

Research has shown the benefits of cannabiol. With our partner Nova Institute, the knowledge centre of European industriel hemp, all these benefits and many more will be shown at MAP-Expo 2018. 

Cannabidiol oil is used for health purposes, but it is controversial. There is some confusion about what it is and the effect it has on the human body.

Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, but there may also be some risks. It is also not legal in every state.

What is CBD oil?

CBD is one of many compounds, known as cannabinoids, that are found in the cannabis plant. Researchers have been looking at the potential therapeutic uses of CBD.

Oils that contain concentrations of CBD are known as CBD oils. The concentration and uses of different oils vary.

Is CBD marijuana?

Until recently, the most well-known compound in cannabis was delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the most active ingredient in marijuana.

Marijuana contains both THC and CBD, but the compounds have different effects.

THC is well-known for the mind-altering “high” it produces when broken down by heat and introduced into the body, such as when smoking the plant or cooking it into foods.

Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This means that it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it. However, it does appear to produce significant changes in the body and has been found to have medical benefits.

Most of the CBD used medicinally is found in the least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp.

Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, cannabis sativa, but they are very different.

Over the years, marijuana farmers have selectively bred their plants to be very high in THC and other compounds that interested them, either for a smell or an effect they had on the plant’s flowers.

On the other hand, hemp farmers have not tended to modify the plant. It is these hemp plants that are used to create CBD oil.


Because of the way that CBD acts in the body, it has many potential benefits.

Natural pain relief or anti-inflammatory properties

People commonly use prescription or over-the-counter drugs to relieve pain and stiffness, including chronic pain.

Some people feel that CBD offers a more natural way to lower pain. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly reduced chronic inflammation and pain in some mice and rats.

The researchers suggest that the non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana, such as CBD, could be a new treatment for chronic pain.

Epilepsy and other mental health disorders

CBD is also being studied for its possible role in treating epilepsy and neuropsychiatric disorders.

review posted to Epilepsia noted that CBD has anti-seizure properties and a low risk of side effects for people with epilepsy.

Studies into CBD’s effect on neurological disorders suggest that it may help to treat many of the disorders that are linked to epilepsy, such as neurodegeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases.

Another study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design found that CBD may have similar effects to certain antipsychotic drugs and that it may be safe and effective in treating patients with schizophrenia.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is caused by inflammation when the immune system attacks cells in the pancreas.

Recent research posted to Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation found that CBD may ease the inflammation in the pancreas in type 1 diabetes. This may be the first step in finding a CBD-based treatment for type 1 diabetes.

Helps fight cancer

CBD has been studied for its use as an anti-cancer agent.

review posted to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology notes that CBD appears to block cancer cells from spreading around the body and invading an area entirely.

The review indicates that this compound tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote the death of these cells.

Researchers note that CBD may help in cancer treatment because of its low toxicity levels. They call for it to be studied along with standard treatments, to check for synergistic effects.

Anxiety disorders

Patients with chronic anxiety are often advised to avoid cannabis, as THC can trigger or amplify anxiety and paranoia in some people.

However, a review from Neurotherapeutics suggests that CBD may help to reduce the anxiety felt by people with certain anxiety disorders.

The researchers point to studies showing that CBD may reduce anxiety behaviors in disorders such as:

The review notes that current medications for these disorders can lead to additional symptoms and side effects and that people may stop taking the drugs because of these unwanted effects.

CBD has not shown any adverse effects in these cases to date, and the researchers call for CBD to be studied as a potential treatment method.

Source (see full article):

Medicinal News Today

Article last updated by Adam Felman on Fri 15 December 2017.

NEHHPA – new commercial partner MAP EXPO 2018

The MAP-Expo team is pleased to announce their partnership with NEHHPA (Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association).

The Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association is an umbrella organization of Nepalese herbal producers, manufacturers and traders in the sector of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), particularly Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs).

Nepal has always been the centre of herbal richness with more than ten thousand species of herbs in its alpine belt. The medical herbs databases listing for Nepal shows 1,624 species of medical and aromatic species. These herbs have been integral part of traditional medicine practices of indigenous community in Nepal. Seeing the same impact and long history of herbal use, these herbs of Nepal are now exported to many countries and companies for medical purposes. Many big companies import such herbs to make medical extract and derivatives which are used in treating various diseases and health deficiency.

These companies will represent Nepal:

  • Panchatatwa International Pvt. Ltd.
  • Himalayan Herbs Traders Pvt. Ltd.
  • Freshia International Pvt. Ltd.
  • Annapuma Aroma Company Pvt. Ltd.
  • Alternative Herbal Products Pvt. Ltd.
  • Green Wealth Industry
  • Bio Herbal Products

We are excited to show our visitors the Nepalese products and hope to stimulate their export.

Plants used to treat skin diseases

Cosmetics have a lot of influence on the market, thanks  to the recognition of consumers. There is a great demand for natural products. With mapping supply and demand, MAP-Expo can identify the needs and opportunities in the market.

Skin diseases are numerous and a frequently occurring health problem affecting all ages from the neonates to the elderly and cause harm in number of ways. Maintaining healthy skin is important for a healthy body. Many people may develop skin diseases that affect the skin, including cancer, herpes and cellulitis. Some wild plants and their parts are frequently used to treat these diseases. The use of plants is as old as the mankind. Natural treatment is cheap and claimed to be safe.  Continue reading “Plants used to treat skin diseases”

Partnership announcement – Nova Institute

We are pleased to announce the continuation of our partnership with Nova-Institute. Last edition, the partnership was proved successful.

The nova-Institute was founded as a private and independent institute in 1994. It is located in the Chemical Park Knapsack in Huerth, which lies at the heart of the chemical industry around Cologne (Germany). For the last two decades, nova-Institute has been globally active in feedstock supply, techno-economic and environmental evaluation, market research, dissemination, project management and policy for a sustainable bio-based economy. Continue reading “Partnership announcement – Nova Institute”