Highlight on North African plants



MAP – Expo 2018 will offer you and your company the opportunity to explore herbal markets in different African countries and find out what is the most suitable target market for your business.




North African plants


is the trade mark for short pieces of the rhizome of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a plant that originates in Eurasia, North Africa and West Asia. Meanwhile, the non-threatened plant can be found worldwide. The plant contains a sweetener that is about 30 to 50 times as strong as sugar, but is not harmful to the teeth. There must be a lot of chewing and sucking to taste the sweetener. Nevertheless, licorice – especially by children – was appreciated before the candy industry took over this market with much easier to consume products.


In Japan licorice root is used to treat hepatitis infections. Kaposi’s sarcoma, a human herpes virus disease that many AIDS patients receive, is treated with liquorice. Nowadays mouth and stomach ulcers are treated with liquorice. Licorice gives the stomach a rest. A gastric acidization (dyspepsia) is countered by licorice. Because it relaxes the stomach, licorice is given after a food poisoning. It is also given to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. 


Source: https://mens-en-gezondheid.infonu.nl/gezonde-voeding/104040-de-geneeskracht-van-zoethout.html

The wonder tree or wonder oil tree (Ricinus communis) is a fast-growing tropical plant that is herbaceous outside the

tropics. In the tropics the plant can reach a height of up to 13 meters after a few years and then has a lignified stem that looks like a trunk. The fruit is called a wonder bean although the plant does not belong to the butterfly family (like the ordinary bean) but to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Miracle oil is pressed from miracle beans
Wonder oil has different properties, these properties can be divided into

Medicinal: The oil of the Ricinus communis has a laxative effect when consumed and is also used as an antibiotic and fungide.

Aromatic: It can also be used as a food additive, skin care and cosmetic products.

Despite the healing effects, the seeds are deadly. The beans are not ready for consumption until they have gone through a special process to get the oil out. Do not worry, because castor oil can be used safely. The toxins are only in the raw beans.

Source: https://gezonderleven.com/voordelen-van-wonderolie/

MAP – Expo 2018 will offer you and your company the opportunity to explore herbal markets in different African countries and find out what is the most suitable target market for your business.