Thanks to the huge potential in the Medicinal and Aromatic plant industry, MAP Expo offers the opportunity to enhance and integrate links in the supply chain. Through our matchmaking program, companies can find the – for them – most relevant buyers and suppliers.
The use of medicinal plants is as old the history of manhood. Archaeological sites show plants for healing purposes as for example the Lascaux caves in France, which are between 15,000 and 27,000 years old . Even more, the history of herbal medicine seems to have its very first roots in the animal kingdom. Fascinating evidence exists for self-medication among non-human primates. Chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas swallow specific leaves and chew bitter piths, if they suffer from parasite infections. It has been speculated that ancient shamans and healers learned from apes by observing them while they were taking medicinal plants. These plants were then taken by local human populations for medical purposes . The ancient knowledge on the beneficial activity of some plants was a privilege of shamans and healers and give reason to establish traditional medicines worldwide. Continue reading “Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research in the 21st Century”